When creating a conversation, it is necessary to provide user fields that the verification should fill in. These fields are divided into:

Please note how the requireOneOf and optional fields are structured. The former is an array of arrays, which allows to define several equivalent data sets that the identity verification should return. For example:

"requireOneOf": [

means that the verification is successful if the name and surname of the user as well as their national number or passport number have been identified.

In the case of the optional field, the structure is a list of objects containing the list field. This field specifies those fields that do not have to be returned by conversation, unless they were directly available from the identity provider. In practice, it is enough to provide only one object. In the future, this structure may be expanded to include more complex cases.

After the verification is completed, Authologic will set the appropriate value of the result.identity.status field:

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